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15mm Historical Miniatures

Pack of 8 figures (four different poses)

All our figures do not contain lead and are sold unpainted!

(painted figure picture shows AUC8 and AUC9 figures)


The earlier Gladius Hispaniensis, which was used since the Punic Wars, had a slight "leaf-blade" curvature. This was the largest and heaviest of the gladii, with the longest blade and more pronounced leaf-shape compared to the other forms. The Mainz variety came into use later on the Northern frontier, it had a shorter and wider blade and a triangular point. It eventually became the standard sword in Imperial times. The Coolus and Montefortino types of helmet (which co-existed) were produced from brass, bronze or iron and like many other elements of the legionary equipment descended from Celtic helmet design.

15mm Roman Legionaries advancing (Coolus helmet and short Mainz gladius) AUC9

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